const telegramAuthToken = "6******9:AA*********X4";
const webhookEndpoint = "/endpoint";
const baiduTranslateAppId = "2*******36";
const baiduTranslateKey = "Q4*********G9";
const baiduTranslateApiUrl = "https://fanyi-api.baidu.com/api/trans/vip/translate";
addEventListener("fetch", (event) => {
async function handleIncomingRequest(event) {
try {
let url = new URL(event.request.url);
let path = url.pathname;
let method = event.request.method;
let workerUrl = `${url.protocol}//${url.host}`;
if (method === "POST" && path === webhookEndpoint) {
const update = await event.request.json();
return new Response("Ok");
} else if (method === "GET" && path === "/configure-webhook") {
const url = `https://api.telegram.org/bot${telegramAuthToken}/setWebhook?url=${workerUrl}${webhookEndpoint}`;
const response = await fetch(url);
if (response.ok) {
return new Response("Webhook set successfully", { status: 200 });
} else {
throw new Error(`Failed to set webhook: ${response.status}`);
} else {
return new Response("Not found", { status: 404 });
} catch (error) {
return new Response(`Error: ${error.message}`, { status: 500 });
async function generateBaiduTranslateSignature(text, timestamp) {
try {
// Simulate an asynchronous operation, replace this with the actual logic
const asyncResult = await performAsyncOperations(text);
// Assume this result is used in generating the signature
const signature = md5(`${baiduTranslateAppId}${asyncResult}${timestamp}${baiduTranslateKey}`);
return signature;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error generating Baidu Translate signature: ${error.message}`);
throw error;
async function performAsyncOperations(text) {
// Simulate an asynchronous operation, replace this with the actual logic
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// Simulate an asynchronous operation that takes some time
setTimeout(() => {
const asyncResult = text; // Replace with the actual logic to fetch data or perform operations
}, 1000); // Simulate a delay of 1000 milliseconds
async function processUpdate(update) {
try {
const chatId = update.message.chat.id;
const userText = update.message.text;
const sendMessage = async (message) => {
const url = `https://api.telegram.org/bot${telegramAuthToken}/sendMessage?chat_id=${chatId}&text=${encodeURIComponent(message)}`;
await fetch(url);
await sendMessage('Translation process started.');
const currentTimestamp = Date.now().toString();
await sendMessage(`Current timestamp: ${currentTimestamp}`);
const sign = await generateBaiduTranslateSignature(userText, currentTimestamp);
await sendMessage('Generated Baidu Translate signature.');
const params = new URLSearchParams({
q: userText,
from: 'en',
to: 'zh',
appid: baiduTranslateAppId,
salt: currentTimestamp,
sign: sign,
const translateUrl = `${baiduTranslateApiUrl}?${params.toString()}`;
await sendMessage(`Built Baidu Translate API URL: ${translateUrl}`);
const apiCheckResponse = await fetch(translateUrl);
if (!apiCheckResponse) {
const debugInfo = 'Translation API check failed: Response is null or undefined';
await sendMessage(`Translation process completed with failed API check: ${JSON.stringify(debugInfo)}`);
if (!apiCheckResponse.ok) {
const response = await apiCheckResponse.json();
const debugInfo = {
translationApiUrl: translateUrl,
translationApiResponse: response,
translationApiStatusCode: apiCheckResponse.status,
await sendMessage(`Translation API check failed: ${JSON.stringify(debugInfo)}`);
const response = await apiCheckResponse.json();
let translationResult;
if (response.trans_result && response.trans_result.length > 0) {
translationResult = response.trans_result[0].dst;
if (typeof translationResult === 'undefined') {
const debugInfo = 'Translation result is undefined';
await sendMessage(`Translation process completed with undefined result: ${JSON.stringify(debugInfo)}`);
} else {
const debugInfo = 'Translation API response does not contain expected data';
await sendMessage(`Translation process completed with unexpected response: ${JSON.stringify(debugInfo)}`);
await sendMessage(`Translation result: ${translationResult}`);
const responseText = `You said: ${userText}. Translated to Chinese: ${translationResult}`;
await sendMessage(responseText);
await sendMessage('Translation process completed successfully.');
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error processing update: ${error.message}`);
async function md5(value) {
// Convert the value to a Uint8Array
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
const data = encoder.encode(value);
// Calculate the MD5 hash
const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('MD5', data);
// Convert the hash buffer to a hex string
const hashArray = Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));
const hashHex = hashArray.map(byte => byte.toString(16).padStart(2, '0')).join('');
return hashHex;
async function translateText(text, fromLang, toLang) {
const sign = await md5(text + Date.now().toString());
return { translationResult: sign, debugInfo: null };
web-hook 参考 web-hook项目